Frequently Asked Questions
Riverview FAQ s
Frequently Asked Questions
How many students will be at Riverview? What are the enrollment numbers and staff numbers for Riverview? Class sizes?
Riverview PK-8 school is being built to accommodate 1000 students. This would equal (4) rounds per grade level PK-8. Class sizes follow our district board policy.
Is Kindergarten full day or half day?
All kindergarten classes are full day. See school hours listed below.
How do I register to attend Riverview?
Registration for upcoming school years begin in mid January. If you are new to the district, please complete a new online registration application via the following link (in January). If you have an existing student, currently enrolled in Thompson School District, you will need to complete your “annual student registration” using your parent portal account to complete the registration process for the following school year. Please reach out to us if you have any questions. Enroll in TSD
How do I apply for free/reduced lunch?
Please visit our Nutritional Services page for the link to apply for free and reduced lunch pricing. You can also bookmark this page to access school lunch menus for during the school year. To apply, click the "meal application" button - please be sure to apply AFTER July 31st for the upcoming school year. After you apply, you will receive a letter stating your qualification status. Save this letter, please. You can submit this letter with athletic registration as well as school instructional fee invoices for reduction in fees, if applicable. Apply for free/reduced lunch
How do I apply for choice enrollment to Riverview, I do not live in the attendance boundaries?
- Applications for school of choice/open enrollment are available at all schools and on the district website. Applicants may apply for enrollment in any school(s) with appropriate grade levels and programs and must submit their application(s) on-line, during the window for open enrollment that will be advertised on the district’s website.
Determining Space and Program Availability
- A school will be closed to school of choice/open enrollment and nonresident admission on an annual basis if enrollment is at or exceeds 95% of its capacity or is projected to reach 95% capacity within the following three years. Modular buildings will not be taken into consideration when determining availability of classroom space. In addition, a grade level within a school may be closed to school of choice/open enrollment and nonresident admission on an annual basis if enrollment at that grade level is projected to exceed 95% of its capacity.
Apply for Choice Enrollment
What is the cut off age to enter kindergarten? Early Childhood?
A child’s age by October 1st is the determining age for school entrance. If a child will be 5 by October 1st, they are eligible to begin kindergarten that school year. In that same example, if a child will be 5 by October 1st, they are not eligible for early childhood. Early Childhood serves 3 and 4 year old students.
What are the school hours:
Office Hours
7:50 am - 3:50 pm
Kindergarten - 8th grade
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Start time: 8:20 am
Dismissal Time: 3:35 pm
Wednesday Late Start
Start Time: 9:20 am
Dismissal Time: 3:35 pm
Will there be a before and after school program? If so, what will the hours be?
Riverview will be providing a before and after school program operated by the YMCA. For more information register HERE.
What time can I drop off my student before school?
Riverview staff will be outside on playground/drop off duty beginning at 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. on Wednesdays.
How do I volunteer at the school?
You must be a registered volunteer to assist in a classroom setting or attend field trips. If you are already an approved volunteer in our district, you will need to login to your account to have your school updated to Riverview. Once approved, your volunteer badge will be sent to our school office for you to wear when you enter the building. Volunteer
Where will the bus routes be?
Here is the link to the transportation website for future reference: Bussing is provided for students who live more than 1.5 miles from the school.
Will there be bussing for out of district students who wish to attend Riverview?
Part of the choice enrollment process (applying to a school that you do not currently reside within their boundaries) is understanding that you will be responsible for providing transportation for your child(ren) to and from school. Bussing routes are determined and routed within each school's existing boundary lines.
Early Childhood Program questions:
What are the early childhood program hours?
AM Half Day: 8:10-11:45 (hours vary by site) M,T,TH,F (no school on W)
PM Half Day: 11:45-3:25 (hours vary per site) M,T,TH,F (no school on W)
What are the entrance guidelines, eligibility, programs offered etc. / How do I apply for my child to be in the Early Childhood program?
There are several programs offered through the Thompson School District Early Childhood Program. Please take a look at the links provided below and reach out directly to the Early Childhood department for information regarding applying, availability and different program options.
Early Childhood Application Information: How to Apply to TSD EC
Early Childhood website:
Please reach out to Early Childhood directly with specific questions you have regarding Early Childhood. Their main number is: 970-613-5052.